Cutting off.
Cut off means too:
No rebuttals
Don’t give it the time of day
Don’t even let that fill up any space around you
Don’t even let that fill up any space within you
Don’t let that even come near you
Don’t let it effect you
Don’t listen to the lies
Don’t care about the BS
You know the truth.
You know your valid points, feelings, proof, emotions, and instinct.
So when you cut of people and things are aren’t good for you. When you cut off what is a lie.
You open space for freedom, for love, for hope, for prosperity, for truth, for justice, for validity in a tangible realism. Living in a state of Ren, being of good virtue.
You can’t be touched. They can’t harm you. They’ve already lost the battle and the war.
Remember your own strength.
Love always,
Brianna Ren Mason
I love you